"Take your time, have fun, trains are cool!"
Tripp Aquadro
Founder and Chief Designer
R.DUCK LOCOMOTIVE WORKS is on a mission to deliver wonderfully crafted, cleverly designed LARGE SCALE Locomotives, Rolling Stock, and "add ons" to promote creativity and joy within the model building community. All products are designed and manufactured here in the United States of America using premium 1/8" baltic birch purchased from small scale vendors in the USA. R.DUCK LOCOMOTIVE WORKS does not outsource our work to far away countries to cut prices or put more money in our pockets, we are doing this because, well frankly, we love trains.
My name is Tripp Aquadro, and I'm just like any other goofball, railroad history loving, designer and creator. I'm the brains behind these bundles of joy! It all started with our first model of the Hudson Locomotive. Truthfully, I really wanted one the second the design started to come together.
R.DuckLocomotiveWorks kits are an amazing outlet for people like me who love to work with their hands and build something truly impressive. We have plans to roll out a few more models this year, but trust me when I say, we have much bigger and cooler projects coming down the line. BIG BIG projects!
who are we?
kits that are fun to build!

Our kits combine the challenging aspects of classic puzzle building, teaching the skills of good craftsmanship, patience, and providing a final product designed to last. Unlike other kits on the market, an R.DUCK Locomotive kit is screaming to be painted, played with, kitbashed, upgraded, you name it.
Components come loose in the box and are packaged separately based on the stage of your build process. Much like everyones favorite plastic building system, but with more wood grain.
How can i purchase my own kit?
Hop on over to our ETSY page for all current offerings! you can click the phone icon to view the shop!
Where are my instructions?
Oddly enough, we really like this big blue marble we live on. To improve our carbon footprint, all R.DUCK Locomotive Works instructions are digitally stored in our "BluePrint Vault". All builders are free to access our instructions at anytime on their smartphone, tablet, or computer!
You can access our blueprint vault here:
Are these electric trains?
Sadly, not quite yet. However, we are working on ways to power these iron horses, and I'm certain there are some crafty folks out there with the Know-How to implement that technology. In the meantime, think of these as highly detailed study models!
may i paint my R.DUCK LOComotive?
You may do whatever you want! In fact, we promote it! Send us photos of your completed builds and we might use it to promote our mission. Who knows, we might even send you a complimentary caboose or something!
May i eat the parts?
Please refrain from eating or ingesting these kits. You should know better.
Do i have to use glue?
We highly recommend it. In order to reduce toy-like appearances, the build process uses glue to remove the need for friction points and unnecessary engineering which could effect the shape and look of the completed product.
I received a broken part? What should I do?
Reach out to us via email and we will be happy to send a replacement part in the mail, or, you may try repairing the component with a small amount of tacky glue!
Why DOes it take so long for kits to be delivered?
Our kits are built-to-order, which allows us to maintain appropriate inventories and have absolute control over production. We wish to provide the absolute best value, and as a small business this is our best bet in making sure your R.DUCK experience is a good one!
Do you actually like trains or are you just making it up?
Ask anyone, I'm definitely a fan. Heres a fun photo of me as a young lad, ready to take on the day as an engineer. This was just a typical weekday for me.
Who is R.T. Duckman?
We're working on figuring that out ourselves.
I have an idea for a train kit!
We are always excited to hear your ideas for kits! Obviously, we cant get to everyones ideas right away (although we wish we could) but... every year we will undoubtedly release 4 models.
x1 Steam Locomotive
x1 Electric Locomotive
x1 Diesel Locomotive
x1 Rolling Stock Option
if you have an idea for a kit, feel free to shoot us an email or a message on instagram!